OPERATION HOURS ~ Monday-Thursday : 10.00am-6.00pm
Friday- Public Holiday : 9.30am- 7.00pm
Wednesday only : 12.00 noon - 6.00pm
Langkawi Cable Car operation is subject to weather conditions. Customers are advised to call before visiting to avoid disappointment.
Dengan menaiki kereta kabel akan membawa pengunjung ke puncak gunung kedua tertinggi di Langkawi~Mount Mac Chinchang dimana pemandangan pulau di sekitarnya sangat menakjubkan. Pada hari yang cerah, pengunjung juga dapat melihat bahagian Thailand ke arah utara dan Indonesia ke arah selatan-barat. Masa yang diambil untuk tiba di atas bukit selama 20 minit. Pengunjung dapat menikmati pemandangan flora lereng bukit, air terjun dan sekilas pandang sesekali hidupan liar burung-burung.
[Eng] A cable car ride takes visitors to Langkawi's second highest peak of Mount Mac Chinchang, where the view of the surrounding island is simple spectacular. On clear days, visitors can also see parts of Thailand towards the North and Indonesia towards the South-West. The cable car ride up the hill takes about 20 minutes. Enjoy great views of the hillside flora, waterfall and occasional glimpses of the wildlife and birds.

[Eng] Complete in 2004, this suspended pedestrian bridge is located at the top of the Mac Chinchang mountain and forms part of the Gunung Mac Chinchang Geo-Eco Tourism Park master plan. Suspended from a record-breaking 82m high single pylon, the curve bridge intersects a dramatic geological chasm up to 100m above ground, swinging out over the landscape to give visitors a unique spatial experience, and to bring them into otherwise unattainable locations, above virgin jungle, with spectacular views. Notably, in contrast to a straight bridge, where the end is always monotonously in sight, a curved bridge offers spectacularly changing perspectives that reinvent themselves, as one proceeds along it.

[Eng] Measuring 125m in lenght, this structure ranks among the world's longest curved pedestrian bridges and constructing it was no easy feat as the solution had to amalgamate the following critical elements : structural balancing from a single point (top of the pylon), optimal weight management and load distribution, pre-fabrication of bridge and on site installation. The entire bridge, in all its elements, had to be lifted up to the mountain by helicopter, and was subsequently assembled to its position.
-Jarak keseluruhan 125m ~ Overall distance 125m
- Ketinggian tiang 82m ~ Pylon height 82m
- Tiang asas diatas paras laut 605m ~ Pylon foundation above-sea-level 605m
- Tiang atas diatas paras laut 687m ~ Top of pylon above-sea-level 687m
- Muatan/kapasiti maksimum 200 org @ 4 org per m2 ~ Loading/maximum capacity 200 pax @ 4 person per m2
- Kawasan persegi 500m2 ~ Square area 500m2
- Tempoh pembinaan ~ Construction period (August 2003-August 2004) 12 months
- Dibuka kepada pengujung ~ Open to public 27 February 2005
1. Deer Farm
2. Special Event : Such as lunch, hi-tea, dinner, sunset cocktail etc
3. Wax
4. Photo Souvenir
5. Cafe
6. Cartoon Caricature
7. Rabbit Farm
8. Reflexology
9. Jungle Trackking
Cable Car System For Gunung Mac Chinchang
- Horizontal distance 2079m
- Vertical rise 680m
- Inclined distance 2158m
- Haul rope diameter 50mm
- Bull wheel diameter 6.10m
- Passenger per-gondola 6 persons
- Design speed 5 m/sec
- Operation speed 3 m/sec
- Turn round trip time 28 mins
- Hourly capacity 700 pax/hour
- Numbers per stations 3
- Numbers of "On-line Towers'2
- Height of Tower 1 (nearest to Base Station) 38m
- Height of Tower 270m
- Longest free span (between Tower 2 and Middle Station) 950m
- Steepest gradient 42 degrees
- Construction period (April 2001 - August 2002) 16 months
- Testing & commissioning period (August - October '02) 3 months
- Open to public (Free ride) - (October 2002) 1 months
- Revenue collection commencing - (Novemver '02) to date